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  42. Giovanni Van Bronckhorst Will Visit Jakarta Indonesia
  43. Taking a Tour Around The Famous Museums With Google Art Project
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By Ruslani   on  June 16, 2011    

Taking a Tour Around The Famous Museums With Google Art Project

  Posted by Ruslani on  June 16, 2011    

Taking a Tour Around The Famous Museums With Google Art Project, If we visit Google art project on its website we will know immediately that this website is a 3D website. It is a very great technology, and it is powered by Google.

For us who self-proclaimed as art lovers can discover and view more than a thousand artworks in a wonderful detail We can zoom in to the high resolution. Google has Designed the project very well. allows people to explore famous museums in the world and discover and view more than a thousand artworks in an extraordinary detail.

We can explore the google art project including taking a selection of super high resolution images of famous artworks, as well as collating more than a thousand other images into one place. It also included building 360 degree tours of individual galleries using Street View "indoor" technology.

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Business On The Internet
Internet Marketing Business
How To Make a Wikipedia Page?
How to Choose a GPS?
Internet Tips For Parents

Taking A Tour Around The Famous Museums With Google Art Project
